Friday, November 11, 2005
Ok, so maybe I could have driven this van for another 268,000 miles, but it's too late, I can't return the car!! Good ol' "Woody..." brought me through many years memories: learning to drive, moving to and from college, packing in all my friends at college, bringing me to my multiple jobs on time, and safely toting around my sweet little Mady for the last 9 months. Good-bye van... I'll miss - NAH! I won't miss you!
Ah, the memories in this good old van. When I was told to put this sticker on for a parking pass they forgot to tell me that I would NEVER BE ABLE TO TAKE IT BACK OFF!!!! Note to any Maranasty, I mean Maranatha, students that read this: put the sticker on a magnet that way you won't have it stuck on your vehicle for the rest of time. There are other perks to having it on a magnet as well - we'll talk about that another time...