Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mady loves to play peek-a-boo with her blankets so these shots were pretty easy to capture. Sometimes, usually when she's tired, she will pull a blanket over her head and just sit there quietly until someone pulls back the blanket and says 'boo!'

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Madelynn's Photo Shoot

Mady was so much fun to play photographer with. We had a fun time at the studio trying to get Mady to simply be her adorable self so I could capture the moments on camera. My friends that own "Shot in the Dark Studio" in Owatonna allowed me to borrow not only their studio, but also their equipment too. I was ecstatic and had a blast. I took them a little early, but this was Mady's one year photo shoot. She had a newborn shoot and now a one year shoot so hopefully I will be able to continue the annual photo shoot tradition.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Christmas is always a great time with "the Hill family." This last year we were able to get together more often then the years in the past, but Christmas is usually the only time we ever see each other. Pretty sad since most all of us live in Minnesota. I really enjoyed being able to see all of you again and spend a little time with you. The day always goes so fast when we're all together - half the day is devoted to singing "The Twelve Days of Christmas." ha! We missed those of you who couldn't make it that day... Taylor and Jessica, Rachel and family, Anna, and Ralph. Hopefully next year we will ALL be able to be together. I love you all very much!
HI JULES!!!!!!!!!! This post is just to say 'hi' to you. Love ya girly girl!
Christmas day equaled a lot of headaches and snotty noses for our family. We still had a great Christmas, but it was just a little more low-key this year. This is my family - minus my other favorite brother, Taylor, and sister-in-law, Jessica, who live in Georgia now. Left to right: (back row) Sophia, Micah, Heidi, Tara, Grandma (Ihlene), Grandpa (Terry), Mady (the baby), and me (Kasee). Front row: Drew, Isaac, and Victoria.
Finally together again! These are my very special friends Laura Peterson (left) and Julie Rabe (obviously on the right). They are two of my all time favorite people because of their sweet and caring personalities, godly outlooks, and just all around fun lovin' girls. I love you girls very much and miss you soooo much. If only we lived closer together so that we could still hang out every now and then =) I know we are all exactly where God wants us so I wouldn't change that - maybe we'll just have to change how often we get in touch with each other =)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

God's Glory

Yesterday I was reading a book that a friend sent me awhile back titled "Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ." As I read through the first chapter and the scripture that was listed throughout the chapter I realized all over again how awesome our God is. "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1). We are often confused by the insignificance of man compared to the vastness of the universe when we really just need to remember that it is created for God's glory. "God's glory...The universe was made to show it, and we were made to see it and savor it."
At the end of the chapter was written a prayer, and in that prayer was this sentence: "Help our unbelief. Forgive the wandering of our affections and the undue attention we give to lesser things." Wow! That really hit home to me and made me realize just how often I place even the smallest of things before God within my day. How much does that hurt Him? How much does He long to have time with me when I just push Him aside for such simple things as washing dishes or folding laundry? This is my Savior, my God, I need to place Him above ALL things and ALWAYS give Him glory...if anyone deserves glory it is undoubtedly the God of Heaven...the One and Only true God.
I also stopped to consider what an amazing blessing I have from God... Madelynn. A person takes for granted so much until their eyes are opened and then BOOM it hits you. What made me stop to remember all over again, what a true blessing I have, is the present situation that my cousin and her husband are going through. They found out not long ago that they were pregnant with twins - that enough is a shocker for your first child(ren). Not too much after that they discovered some problems with the identical twin boys. I won't go into all the details, but a few days ago one of the boys, Jonathan David, passed away after a surgical procedure. God knew this would happen, it was in His plan, but it is still hard to have a life that is lost before it is even born into this world. That is the fear of every mother (unless they're so screwed up they don't want the child - I really better not get into that because abortion really torks me off) losing a child that is still developing inside of you. You long to hold that child, to know what he/she looks like, to see the first smile, to touch the tiny hands and toes...there is nothing like the love for a child. My heart completely aches for my cousin, but I know she is trusting God to keep her Joseph Edward safe and healthy for at least 10 more weeks. God knows best...His best is not always what we want or understand, but He has a purpose that is shown to us when He wants us to know.

Monday, January 16, 2006

After Mady had a bath she was ready to play so the easiest thing to put on her was mom-mom's shirt. It looked adorable as she scurried around the house getting chased and followed around.

Look how cute I am in my pink stocking cap!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

How can one be so creative?

Hi everyone!
I was just looking through all my friend's blogs feeling somewhat guilty that I don't put a little more creativity into my site. Well, here's some real creativity... green AND bold font. WOW!!! Are you all so incredibly impressed or what?!
As you have seen, my little girl is growing up so very quickly. I fully agree with you all that she really is so stinkin' cute! I can't take any credit because she's only 50% me, plus God created her, not me...that doesn't mean I'm not proud to call her mine =)
The latest in Mady updates would include that she is starting to walk. Can you believe it? Not even a year ago I was just waddling around with her inside praying that I wouldn't fall on the ice. Now she's the one much cuter than a fat pregnant "mom-mom." Mady is going to be one of the best imitators there is I think. She already shakes her head 'no' when I tell her not to do something, she'll wrinkle her nose and shake her head back and forth when she's acting like something is yucky, and she makes an 'o' shape with her little lips. Oh, Mady also tries to put her own socks on when they fall off and she knows that bracelets go on her wrist and purse straps go on your arm. Cute, cute.
I promise you more pictures on the site soon - especially since I'm doing Mady's one year old photo shoot this coming Tuesday. It's going to be so much fun.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tigger is my favorite cartoon character! I was wrestling with him when mom-mom pulled out the camera. She can't believe how big I'm getting...I wonder if she'll ever stop saying "can you believe she's going to be one in February?!" What is she talking about anyway?

Mom-mom and Mady had a mini photo shoot with our stocking caps on. Mady's first word was "mom-mom." I love it! No more words yet, but we're trying.

She still has those chubby cheeks that are absolutely kissable.

Peek-a-boo is Mady's favorite game. She plays peek through anything - even the lid to her Fisher Price block bucket.

I came in to check on Mady when she finally fell asleep for her nap to find her like this!! Now kids, let this be a lesson to you... go to sleep without a fuss otherwise your pants might fall off.

My little "Curious George." She has to figure everything out, and I must say she usually does. She can put lids on bottles, help load the dryer, wash dishes... she's so talented!